Yes or No – Couples

Discussion Questions

Yes or No – Couples

Student A

  1. How much time do you spend with your partner every day?
  2. What does your partner do?
  3. What do you and your partner usually do on a Sunday?
  4. Do you both have the same taste in movies and TV shows?
  5. Who does most of the cooking in your relationship? 
  6. Do you enjoy the outdoors?
  7. Does your partner have any phobias? If yes, can you describe them to me?
  8. Do you, or your partner, like to plan things out in advance?
  9. What kind of music does your partner like?
  10. Is your partner close with his/her siblings?

Student B

  1. Do you, or would you like to work with your partner for the same company?
  2. Do you think your partner likes his/her job?
  3. What do you and your partner usually do on a Saturday?
  4. Do you both have the same taste in entertainment? If yes, what do you like to do?
  5. Do you cook dishes, especially for your partner? If yes, what dishes? 
  6. Do you enjoy going on road trips?
  7. Do you enjoy trying new things?
  8. Do you or your partner have any tattoos or piercings?
  9. What kind of sport does your partner like?
  10. What does your partner do that you don’t like?

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