
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Have you ever traveled a long distance by train?
  2. Do you like living near a railway line? Why? Why not?
  3. How do you commute to work? Would you prefer other modes of transport?
  4. Do you have a high-speed rail network in your country? 
  5. Have you ever slept on a train? Did you sleep well? 
  6. Japan has high-speed sleeper trains. Would you like to travel across a country overnight and wake up at your destination?
  7. If you could take a train journey in another country, where would it be?
  8. How can the train service in your country be improved?
  9. Is it safe to travel by train in your country?
  10. What do you think of female-only carriages on some trains in certain countries?

Student B

  1. What is the railway system like in your country?
  2. If you need to travel a long distance, would you prefer to do it by train, car or airplane?
  3. Do trains in your country usually run on time or are they often late?
  4. Have you ever eaten in the buffet car on a train? 
  5. Have you ever traveled by steam train? Where?
  6. What is the best way to keep busy on a long train journey?
  7. Which country do you think has the best train system?
  8. Which country do you think has the worst train system?
  9. What are the pros and cons (if any) of having a female train driver?
  10. Do you think it’s better to be a long-distance train driver or a subway train driver?

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