
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. What did you like the most about school?
  2. What subjects did you study?
  3. Did you attend a girls/boys only or a co-ed school?
  4. Can you remember the first day that you went to school?
  5. Talk about your primary school years. What do you remember?
  6. What was your focus point in school? To be first in your grade, good at sports, or good at cultural events?
  7. Talk about the teacher who made the biggest impression on you.
  8. Was there any particular student whom the teachers liked more than the others?
  9. Did you have a boy/girlfriend at school?
  10. Can you remember what your worst day at school was about?

Student B

  1. Were you a good student? What were you particularly good at?
  2. Did you ever participate in debating, acting, or singing?
  3. Were you good at sports? If yes, what sport?
  4. Tell me about the teacher you liked the least.
  5. Homework. Did you always do it or did you sometimes copy other students’ work?
  6. Your last day at school. What was it like?
  7. Did you have a farewell party – tell me about it.
  8. Were you a leader in your class? If yes, why. If not, tell me about the leader in your class.
  9. What do you miss about being in school?
  10. Do you still have contact with your classmates?

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