
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Is it risky to go for a walk at night in the city that you live in?
  2. Can women walk home safely in the evening after work?
  3. Do you often take risks or do you avoid them at all times? 
  4. What risks are there in your normal daily life? 
  5. What are some risks associated with visiting the Amazon?
  6. What are some risks associated with visiting Africa?
  7. Do you have friends whom you consider a risk to drive with?
  8. Do you know someone who texts or uses their mobile phone whilst driving? 
  9. What sort of driver do your friends think you are? 
  10. Do you think life was riskier when your parents were young than it is now?

Student B

  1. Is it risky to go cycling in the city that you live in? 
  2. What are some risks associated with texting while driving?
  3. Do you think it is risky to eat too much junk food? 
  4. Which countries do you think are risky to travel in? 
  5. Would you do a sport that was full of risks? 
  6. Which sport do you think is full of risks?
  7. What health risks do you worry about? 
  8. Do you drive quickly or slowly? 
  9. What country’s food do you think is the riskiest to eat?
  10. Which one do you consider the bigger risk; flying to another country or taking a cruise ship?

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