
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. What is plastic money?
  2. Do you still use plastic money or only digital money? 
  3. Do you have a favorite thing made out of plastic that can not be replaced by a product from a different material?
  4. How much do you know about the plastic in the ocean? 
  5. What advancements have been made in recycling plastics in recent years?
  6. Do you take your own carrier bags with you when you go to a supermarket?
  7. How can we get drinking water if we can not buy water in plastic bottles?
  8. Do you have any suggestions of how we can overcome using disposable cutlery?
  9. If you order food to be delivered to your house, do you ask them NOT to include the disposable cutlery?
  10. Do you think you will ever return home after shopping with no plastic packaging or plastic bags? 

Student B

  1. What is plastic surgery?
  2. Would you ever consider having plastic surgery?
  3. Do you know when someone gives you a plastic (fake) smile?
  4. Where do plastics in the ocean come from? 
  5. How much effort do you make to reduce your usage of plastic? 
  6. People around the world purchase a total of one million plastic bottles per minute. How can we reduce the usage of plastic bottles?
  7. Do you have any suggestions on how we can overcome using plastic coffee cup lids?
  8. Does your neighborhood have a recycling program? Do you participate?
  9. It’s difficult for a single person to put pressure on manufacturers, but do you ever consider giving your money to a more sustainable competitor. 
  10. Do you use plastic cooking utensils or is your kitchen plastic-free?

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