Discussion Questions
Student A
- Do you wear makeup every day?
- Do you think makeup makes a girl more beautiful?
- Do you wear makeup that has been animal-tested?
- What brand of makeup is your favorite?
- Would you like to be a makeup model? Why/why not?
- Do you think it is okay for men to wear makeup? Why/why not?
- How old do you think a girl should be to wear makeup?
- Describe your beauty routine.
- Do you think children should be taught at primary school how to maintain a healthy, hygiene routine?
- Does your mother wear makeup?
Student B
- How much do you usually spend on makeup and how often?
- What color lipstick is your favorite?
- Would you wear fake eyelashes?
- Do you wear mascara? Every day or just on special occasions?
- Do you think some girls wear too much makeup? If yes, why do you think so?
- What do you think about plastic surgery? Would you ever consider this?
- What makeup brands do you consider the best?
- What feature of a person’s face/body do you usually look at first?
- Would you ever consider permanent makeup, i.e. lipstick, eyeliner, eyebrows?
- Do you ever go for a facial where they pamper your face?