
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. How happy are you with your body?
  2. Do you have long feet or short feet with a high bridge (high arch)?
  3. If you could change the color of your eyes, what would it be?
  4. Do you like the shape of your nose?
  5. Do you have any tattoos?
  6. Do you like the shape and size of your ears?
  7. Are you happy with your fitness level?
  8. Do you have a problem with your vision, hearing, or other senses?
  9. Are all your internal organs in a good shape?
  10. If you could change any body part, what would you change?

Student B

  1. Do you wish your body were different in any way?
  2. Do you think your legs look like those of a model?
  3. If you could change your hair color, what would it be?
  4. Do you like the shape of your jaw?
  5. Do you have pierced ears?
  6. Do you like the shape and size of your head?
  7. Are you happy with your health?
  8. Do you know anybody who is colorblind?
  9. Are you happy with your length? Are you the right weight for your length?
  10. Do you think you need to spend more time in a gym? Why?

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