
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Do you like the “inventions” in sci-fi movies?
  2. Who do you consider the greatest inventor yet? 
  3. What is the longest that you can go without looking at your mobile phone?
  4. What inventions should school children get, and at what age? For example: at what age should kids get a bicycle? Etc. 
  5. Can you name some inventions you are looking forward to?
  6. What do you think of space travel?
  7. Who is the “leading inventor” in the world at the moment? 
  8. Would you like to work for this inventor?
  9. Can you remember what invention impressed your father the most?
  10. 10.What inventions do you think your children will have, that you don’t have?

Student B

  1. Do you think the inventions we see in sci-fi movies now, will become a reality a few decades later?
  2. What was your most impressive present as a child?
  3. How many hours do you spend on the internet every day?
  4. We have many “dangerous inventions”, like weapons and cigarettes for example. What other inventions do you think are dangerous?
  5. What would you like to invent that you can use in your daily life?
  6. Would you like to go forward, or backward in time, if someone invented a time machine? Why?
  7. The internet is full of funny pictures of useless inventions. What do you think is a useless invention?
  8. Do you think any inventions will be able to solve the problem of aging?
  9. Are there any inventions that you wish your grandfather could have used in his younger days?
  10. 10.Which country do you think should invent a new leader? 😅

space man
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