Discussion Questions
Student A
- Do you politely ring a doorbell only once or do you go ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong?
- Do you sometimes ignore a knock on the door because you just want to be alone?
- Do you ever put any festive decorations on your front door?
- How often do you get door-to-door salesmen at your front door?
- Do you ever hold the door for other people?
- Have you ever slammed your finger in a car door?
- Which famous person would you like to knock on your front door?
- What are the benefits of revolving doors?
- Do you have a back door? Does your back door lead out to a courtyard?
- Have you ever seen a front door that impressed you very much?
Student B
- Do you sleep with your bedroom door closed or open? Why?
- How many times do you knock on a door when you visit someone?
- What type of doorknob do you have on your front door?
- Do you ever get any other unwanted guests at your front door besides salesmen?
- Do you lock the doors when you get inside your car?
- Have you ever slammed a door in someone’s face?
- Do you have/need security doors where you live?
- What are the benefits of automatic doors?
- Does your front door lead out onto a veranda?
- How well do you get along with your next-door neighbors?