Discussion Questions
Student A
- Do you know someone who loves books?
- What’s the first book you remember reading?
- When you read a book, do you race to the end?
- Is there any book that you plan on reading in the near future?
- Is there any book that you believe is a “must-read” for everyone?
- Who do you think should read this book?
- Do you prefer to read the actual book or digital copies?
- Do you have a special electronic device to read your books on?
- When you choose a book, what is your favorite genre?
- Did you read many books when you were at school?
Student B
- What are you reading right now?
- What is your favorite part of a book?
- What was the title of the last book that you read?
- Do you reread any passages? If yes, why?
- Have you read a book more than once? If so, what was the title?
- How many times have you read it?
- Of all the information you read in the book, what do you remember the most?
- Did you have to Google anything whilst reading the book?
- Do you have a special place where you like to sit and read?
- Do you fall asleep when you read a book in bed?