
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Is black a color?
  2. Do you like the color black?
  3. Do you have any black jeans or other black pants?
  4. Do you like a black car, or do you prefer a different color? 
  5. Have you ever played blackjack? Do you know how to play blackjack?
  6. Do you have any back appliances in your kitchen? If yes, can you name them?
  7. Do you have any, or use any black stationery? 
  8. Can you name any black animals?
  9. Can you name a movie with the word black in its title?
  10. Do you ever paint your nails black or do you like black nails?

Student B

  1. How many black T-shirts, shirts, blouses, or tops do you have?
  2. Do you like shopping on Black Friday?
  3. Do you think black cats are scary?
  4. If you play chess, do you prefer to be black or white?
  5. How many adjectives can you think of that describe black?
  6. Is there any black furniture in your house/room?
  7. Can you name at least two countries with black on their national flag?
  8. Where is the Black Sea?
  9. Can you name a black dog breed?
  10. What does it mean to blackmail someone? 

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