Shopping Experience

Discussion Questions

Shopping Experience

Student A

  1. Do you like to go to a shopping mall? Whom do you like to go with?
  2. Do you like to go to grocery stores or do you prefer to order your groceries online?
  3. When you shop for clothes, do you only go for the famous brand names or do you buy anything that suits you?
  4. Where do you prefer to buy your fresh produce; in a market, a greengrocer, or a supermarket? 
  5. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?
  6. Do you look online for when there are sales at your favorite shops or do you just shop when you need something? 
  7. Would you like to go on a shopping holiday? Where would you go?
  8. What is your favorite e-commerce site? Why? 
  9. Have you ever bought any counterfeit products like fake designer bags, clothing, or jewelry?
  10. How important is good customer service when you are shopping?

Student B

  1. What do you like to go shopping for most; clothes or food?
  2. When do you think is the best time to go shopping?
  3. Do you like to just wander around and look for bargains?
  4. How long do you usually shop? Do you try to get your shopping done as fast as possible? 
  5. Do you collect coupons for when you go shopping? 
  6. Some people have coffee before or after shopping, or something to eat, or nothing. What is the best part about shopping for you? 
  7. Which type of shops do you never go into? Why not?
  8. Do you like to buy electronic goods? 
  9. Do you like going shopping in other countries?
  10. What is your next big purchase?

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