Discussion Questions

Social Issues

Student A

  1. What are the biggest social issues affecting your country today?
  2. Are there organizations where you can volunteer to help with social problems?
  3. Is there assistance available to people who are homeless?
  4. Are you directly affected by any social issues?
  5. Is it morally right to spend a lot of money on pets, rather than helping people in need?
  6. Are there homeless shelters in your country?
  7. What new social issues do you think will arise in the future?
  8. Do social issues ever affect rich people?
  9. Are there many suicides in your country?
  10. Are there any social  problems in the schools in your country?

Student B

  1. In an overpopulated world, should people be free to have as many children as they want?
  2. Is your government good at dealing with and tackling social issues?
  3. Is crime a problem in your society?
  4. What social issues has the Internet created?
  5. Is homelessness a problem in your society?
  6. How can we solve the connection between poverty and crime?
  7. Is it ok if public citizens own firearms?
  8. What should be done about the football hooligans?
  9. Have you ever done any volunteer work?
  10. Are there food kitchens for the needy in your country?

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