
Introduction & Examples: Suggestions 

Phrases used for making suggestions and other worksheets.

Teacher’s Key included.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Student activity.

Examples. Fill the gaps, match the columns, and write some sentences.

Duration: 15+ minutes.

Level: Elementary – Intermediate

Error Correction: Suggestions

Students read a sentence, identify the error, and rewrite and correct the sentence.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Students underline the error and correct the sentence.

Duration: 10 – 15 minutes

Level: Elementary – Intermediate

Conversation: Suggestions 

Write a short conversation about the lesson topic. 

Talkmor Suggestions:

Individual activity. 

Practice grammar, write short sentences, and do a bit of creative thinking.

Duration:  5-10 minutes

Level: Elementary – Intermediate

Fill The Gaps: Suggestions

Student Activity.

Teacher’s Key included.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Individual task. Fill the gaps.

Duration: 10+ minutes depending on the students’ ability.

Level: Elementary – Intermediate 

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