There Is There Are

Teacher’s Guide: There Is There Are

Lesson Objectives.

Target language.


Talkmor Suggestions: 

Introduce and extend language for this topic.

Level: Basic – Elementary

Warmup / Introduction: There Is There Are

Simple questions.

Elicit and model answers.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Teacher-student activity.

Duration: 10-15 minutes, depending on the size and ability of your class.

Level: Basic – Elementary

Complete the Sentence – Affirmative: There Is There Are

Short questionnaire. Like a “Fill the Gaps” activity.

Talkmor Suggestions:

Student activity OR a teacher-student activity in a small class.

Duration: 5-10 minutes.

Level: Basic – Elementary

Complete the Sentence – Negative: There Is There Are

Short questionnaire. Like a “Fill the Gaps” activity.

Talkmor Suggestions:

Student activity OR a teacher-student activity in a small class.

Duration: 5-10 minutes.

Level: Basic – Elementary

Complete the Sentence – Questions: There Is There Are

Short questionnaire. Like a “Fill the Gaps” activity.

Talkmor Suggestions:

Student activity OR a teacher-student activity in a small class.

Duration: 5-10 minutes.

Level: Basic – Elementary

Interview: There Is There Are 

Simple interview (discussion) questions.

Lots of “student-talk-time”.

Talkmor Suggestions:

Student activity. 

If your classroom environment allows it; students can move around the classroom and interviews various classmates.

Duration: 10+ minutes.

Level: Basic – Elementary

Error Correction: There Is There Are

Students read a sentence, identify the error, and rewrite and correct the sentence.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Students underline the error and correct the sentence.

Duration: 10 – 15 minutes

Level: Basic – Elementary

Fill The Gaps: There Is There Are

Students look at a picture and do the activity by themselves.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Individual task. Fill the gaps and decide if each sentence is true or false.

Duration: 10+ minutes depending on student ability.

Level: Basic – Elementary

Fill The Gaps: There Is There Are

Students look at a town map and do the activity by themselves.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Individual task. Fill the gaps with the correct “there is” form and a preposition of place.

Duration: 10+ minutes depending on student ability.

Level: Basic – Elementary

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