Discussion Questions
Italy (Easy)
Student A
- What places in Italy are famous?
- What currency (money) do they use in Italy?
- What is the capital of Italy?
- Do you know any famous Italian people?
- What is the first thing you think of when people talk about Italian food?
- Do you prefer pasta or pizza?
- What is your favorite type of pizza?
- What do you know about Venice?
- How would you describe Italian people?
- What countries are better than Italy at football?
Student B
- Where is Italy?
- How many Italian cities can you name?
- Can you name one or two countries that border Italy? (Countries next to Italy)
- What language do they speak in Italy?
- What is the first thing you think of when people talk about Italy?
- What do you think about Italian food?
- What is pasta? Do you know spaghetti and macaroni?
- What do you know about Italian fashion?
- Would you like to live in Italy?
- What’s the Shape of Italy?