Italy (Easy)

Discussion Questions

Italy (Easy)

Student A

  1. What places in Italy are famous?
  2. What currency (money) do they use in Italy? 
  3. What is the capital of Italy?  
  4. Do you know any famous Italian people?
  5. What is the first thing you think of when people talk about Italian food?
  6. Do you prefer pasta or pizza?
  7. What is your favorite type of pizza? 
  8. What do you know about Venice?
  9. How would you describe Italian people?
  10. What countries are better than Italy at football?

Student B

  1. Where is Italy?
  2. How many Italian cities can you name?
  3. Can you name one or two countries that border Italy? (Countries next to Italy)
  4. What language do they speak in Italy?
  5. What is the first thing you think of when people talk about Italy? 
  6. What do you think about Italian food?
  7. What is pasta? Do you know spaghetti and macaroni?
  8. What do you know about Italian fashion? 
  9. Would you like to live in Italy? 
  10. What’s the Shape of Italy?

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